Admission and Form Downloads
To apply, using the Okayama University website or Directory of Researchers, find a faculty member from whom you wish to receive guidance in graduate school and contact him/her before applying. Download the application documents from the Institute of Global Human Resource Development website. After paying the application fee, please submit the application documents by post
※If you do not meet either one of the following application eligibility (3) or (4), you have to undergo the eligibility screening before applying. For more details, please refer to the application guidelines.
Applicants are eligible to apply if:
- They are not Japanese nationals
- In the case of those who have graduated from a Japanese university, they have completed 16 years of school education in a foreign country or they have more than 3 years of a bachelor’s degree program and receive the degree equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in a foreign country
- Japanese language proficiency
Those who have passed N2 or N1 - Those who have received informal acceptance of the course application by faculty at the Okayama University Graduate School, and consent to being the host faculty for the graduate school entrance examination after enrolling in the course
- Those who have a recommendation by a faculty member from their university (it is also possible to receive a recommendation from an Okayama University International Alumni Association Branch Director or Okayama University faculty (excluding the faculty who accepted the application))
Guideline and Form Downloads
Please access the Japanese page to download the application guidelines and forms.