How to Apply for a Visa and Obtain a Certificate for Eligibility for Status of Residence

Visa Procedure

Prospective international students living overseas need a “student visa (留学ビザ)” to enter Japan. The following is the procedure for obtaining a visa.

  1. Apply for admission
  2. Entrance Examination or Screening
  3. Success on the entrance examination or acceptance after screening
  4. Apply for Certificate of Eligibility for Status of Residence (CESR)
    One or two months after application
  5. Receive your CESR via email
  6. Apply for a “college student visa (留学ビザ)” at the Japanese Embassy or Consulate-General in your country
    One – two weeks later
  7. Visa issued
  8. Book your flight
  9. Departure from home country / Arrival in Japan

What is the CESR?

A CESR (Certificate of Eligibility for Status of Residence) is issued before the visa application by a regional immigration authority in Japan under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice and has the advantage of reducing the time required to obtain a visa and to complete immigration procedures. The application can be made by either the applicant or a proxy in Japan at the nearest regional immigration authority.

Applying for CESR

The International Affairs Department at Okayama University will help you apply for the Certificate of Eligibility for Status of Residence (CESR) to facilitate your visa application. An email that describes the procedures to apply for a CESR, the application ID, and a password will be sent to you directly by the International Affairs Department through CESR System when your acceptance has been decided. In the unlikely situation that the email describing the procedures to apply for a CESR does not arrive although enrollment has been decided, please contact the International Affairs Department as soon as possible.

Preparations Before Applying for a CESR

The following is general information to prepare for your CESR application. By completing CESR System and uploading required documents online, your CESR application will be completed.
For your CESR, you will need:

  • Copy of your passport pages of your photo, name, date of birth, and passport number (if you have a valid passport at this point)
  • Head-and-shoulders photo of yourself (crisp, without background, and no hats taken within 3 months)
  • Proof of financial support

*More than 80,000 yen per month is required. If you plan to stay in Japan for six months, you need to verify that you have the funds or a scholarship of more than 480,000 yen (80,000 yen ×6 months).
If you are staying for more than one year, 960,000 yen is required.

  1. Certificate of the deposit balance of your bank account
  2. Certificate of scholarship (if applicable)

    If the total amount of your balance and scholarship works out to less than 80,000 yen per month, you will also need to submit the following documents;
  3. Consent form of the sponsor (download the form here)
  4. Certificate of employment of the sponsor
  5. Certificate of annual income or paystub for the previous three months or more of the sponsor
  6. Certificate of deposit balance of the sponsor
  7. Official document to show the relationship between you and your sponsor

If you are accompanied by your family, the following document are required;

  • Copy of the passports of each accompanying family member
  • Head-and shoulders photo of each accompanying family member
  • Official document to show the relationship each accompanying family member

It will take one or two months to receive your CESR after completing the application. Apply for your CESR without delay!

Application for a CESR

Login to CESR Application System

An application for a CESR is to be made through the CESR Application web system. When your acceptance to Okayama University has been decided, the International Affairs Department will send you an email with your ID and password to access the CESR Application System. It will take one or two months to receive your CESR after completing the application. Please make your application well in advance so that your arrival in Japan and the start of your studies will not be delayed.

If you have not received the email with your ID and password or you have lost your ID or password, contact the International Affairs Department with the following information;

  • Your name
  • The name of your faculty or graduate school at Okayama University
  • The name of your prospective supervisor
  • The date of your entrance at Okayama University
Contact Address

E-mail:  visa● *Please change ● to @.

If you cannot apply for a CESR through the WEB system

We will send you a paper-based application form. Please contact the International Affairs Department as above.
Please understand that paper-based communication will take more time than a WEB application.

Application for a Visa

When you receive your CESR, please apply for a “student visa” at the Japanese Embassy or Consulate-General of your place of residence. Please contact them for the details.
For information about the visa application, please refer to the following URL.

Japanese Embassies, Consulates and Permanent Missions


Arrival Information

When you book your flight, please register your arrival information by CESR application system to let your supervisor and the International Affairs Department know your arrival date.