University Recommendation
The recruitment of overseas students, mainly from universities that have a record of exchange through university exchange agreements, as a Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) students is referred to as “University Recommendation”. Research students and students studying Japanese language and culture are eligible to be recommended to the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology by their host universities in Japan.
(In principle, research students who are recommended by their universities should arrive in Japan in October.)
MEXT Scholarships Students – Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Type | Qualifications For more details on this process, please refer to each application guide. |
Research Students | Applicants must be under 35 years of age and be a college graduate (includes prospective graduates) or have completed 16 years of schooling. |
Japanese Studies Students | Applicants must be from 18 to 30 years old. Applicants must be enrolled as undergraduate students in faculties or schools which major in Japanese language or Japanese culture in a university outside Japan at the time when they come to Japan and must be enrolled in the home institution at the time when they return to their home countries. |
Timing | Process The schedule is subject to change, so please check each application guide. |
November – December | Notification of recruitment from MEXT Share its notification to internal recruitment |
Varies by graduate school and faculty | Deadline of internal nominations (Deadlines set by the Graduate School or Faculty within the University) |
After February |
Decision by the university selection committee Deadline of nomination to MEXT |
Late in June | Decision on who to recruit by MEXT |
October | Arrival in Japan |
Support Given by Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarships
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