Extension of Period of Stay 在留期間の更新

在留期間の更新 Extension of Period of Stay 


Before the expiration of the period of stay, foreign students who wish to extend their period of stay must apply for an extension at the Immigration Bureau.
Applications are accepted from 3 months before expiration.
Please inform the appropriate staff person at the International Affairs Department if you need an extension of Period of Stay.

出入国在留管理庁の手続きに必要なもの Required documents

  • 在留期間更新許可申請書(所属機関長の記名が必要です)Application form for Extension of Period of Stay (The name of the sponsoring organization is required.)
  • 在学証明書 Certificate of Student Status
  • 成績証明書(正規生のみ)Transcript of School Records (Regular Students only)
  • 研究内容証明書:指導教員が任意様式で作成研究内容証明書Certificate of Research Content: Prepared by the supervising professor in any format.
  • 研究日程計画:指導教員が任意様式で作成 研究日程計画書Research Schedule Plan: Prepared by the supervising professor in any format.
  • パスポート Passport
  • 在留カード Alien Registration Certificate or Residence Card
  • 日本での学費,生活費の支弁能力を証明するもの
    (奨学金受給証明書、通帳の写し、アルバイト先からの雇用証明書(雇用証明書)など資格外活動の状況が分かるもの)Financial Supporting Documents (such as certificate of scholarship award, a copy of the applicant’s bank book, wage script or certificate of payment from your employer)
  • 授業料免除証明書(学生生活係担当者作成)Certificate of Tuition fee Exemption
  • 国民健康保険証のコピー A copy of National Health Insurance Card
  • 手数料納付書(収入印紙4,000円貼付/大学生協・郵便局購入可)Certificate for payment of fee: 4,000 yen (revenue stamp available at SEIKYO “co-op” or post office.)
  • 写真(縦4cm×横3cm):1枚 在留カード用 Photo (4cm×3cm): for the Residence Card

※案件により上記以外の書類が必要な場合もあります。*Other documents may be required depending on conditions.

卒業後の注意 Important: After Graduation / Finishing Studies


When an international student graduates, finishes their studies, or abandons their studies, and is no longer registered with the university, the person may no longer reside in Japan under the status of residence as “college student”. This is regardless of the period of time left on the international student’s official “period of stay”. If a former international student wishes to stay in Japan for a certain purpose, such as looking for employment, it is necessary for that person to change their legal status of residence. Failure to do so is “illegal residency”.